Quanta, a subcontractor working for Apple, is currently being blackmailed. A group of hackers have stolen valuable data from the company and are threatening to disclose it all if it does n't pay $ 20 million in ransom. The deadline runs until May 7.
The story begins at the beginning of the month and is reported to us by Bleeping Computer. A group of hackers called REvil has hacked into the database of Quanta, a Taiwanese company working with Apple on certain flagship products such as iPads, MacBooks or Apple Watches.
The small group then demanded a ransom of $ 50 million from Quanta so as not to reveal the stolen data. Faced with the (logical) refusal of the company to give in to blackmail, REvil published some diagrams concerning future MacBooks.
These were quickly removed from the REvil site without any explanation. As indicated by Bleeping Computer, this would be a gesture towards Quanta, which would have agreed to negotiate the amount of the ransom. This would now be $ 20 million "only" and Quanta (or Apple) would have until May 7 to pay it.
After this period, REvil promises to disseminate sensitive data. Among them, the patterns of future iPads, necessarily planned, but also the new Apple logo . Data that the Cupertino company would like to keep secret until their presentation, we can imagine. Anyway, it seems that the negotiations are at a standstill for the moment, but it is impossible to get to the bottom of it. We will therefore have to wait for the deadline of May 7 to see if the new Apple logo has leaked or not.
Source: Bleeping Computer