Google has started testing with users in India, a new app called "Task Mate" that allows them to make money in exchange for developing, which the company has determined as "simple tasks" such as going to take pictures at nearby retailers or simply recording or transcribing requested phrases, for example.
To use being able to test the app, you need to receive an invitation from Google or someone who is already testing it. Once installed, you can earn money under two modalities: one called "Sitting Task" and another called "Field Tasks".
Tasks under "Sitting" mode consist of transcribing or recording phrases indicated by the app using voice. These vary, but an example is as follows: "How do i get to the nearest rallway station?", as shown below. These recordings can be used by Google to, for example, train your Artificial Intelligences to recognize voice, among other functions.
Another way to make money with Task Mate is by doing field tasks. Google will ask the user to come to different nearby businesses, which will be pointed out in the app with a pin, and upon arrival at the destination, the user must take some photographs of the facade of the requested business. This activity will allow Google to improve the mapping information of the businesses and premises it displays in that locality, for example.
For each action taken, money is earned and can then be charged through an e-wallet account or by using a payment service associated with the app. The amount of money that will be received in each task is shown when it is proposed - they are usually pennies but if several actions are taken per day or per month the amount will grow significantly - and at all times you can take control of what is earned.
If the tests being carried out are successful, Google could officially launch Task Mate in other parts of the world as well. This isn't the first app Google launches for users to make money from home. It also has Google Opinion Rewards, a program to answer surveys and receive credits from the Google Play Store.