
WhatsApp is facing a real exodus of its users. Refusing that the application does not share their data with Facebook, many Internet users are turning to more secure alternative messaging services, including Signal and Telegram. We take a tour of the best competing solutions available on Android and iOS. 

In early January, WhatsApp announced significant changes to its terms of service . Now the instant messaging app will share some data with FacebookIn fact, WhatsApp will simply let the social network collect conversations between internet users and a business . Faced with the outcry caused by this announcement, the messaging system preferred to postpone the entry into force of the changes until May 15, 2021 .

Despite all the communication efforts of WhatsApp and Facebook, thousands of users have decided to turn to competing instant messaging apps that are more respectful of privacy and personal data. To help you choose your future messaging, we have compiled a list of 5 alternatives to WhatsApp.


First, let's mention SignalThe messaging application quickly took advantage of WhatsApp's woes to inflate its user base. Developed by Signal Foundation, a non-profit organization, the application allows you to send end-to-end encrypted messages, photos, videos or audio and video calls using the Signal Protocol cryptographic protocol (an open source also operated by WhatsApp). On this side, Signal is not that different from WhatsApp .

Best of all, Signal only collects the phone number of its users . No user data is stored on the company's servers. Finally, the application does not seize the phone numbers present in your address book. De facto, everything is stored locally on the smartphone. If your smartphone is stolen, lost or sold, you will not be able to find your conversation history.


With over 500 million users worldwide, Telegram is a great secure alternative to WhatsApp. Designed by Russian opponents of Vladimir Poutine (Nikolai and Pavel Dourov), the messaging application encrypts all communications using the MTProto protocol . It also allows you to create "secret discussions", the information of which is stored locally on your phone.

Messaging sets itself apart from the competition thanks to its public conversation channels capable of accommodating more than 200,000 members . These channels allow Internet users to share information like on a social network. There are many French channels on various themes, including technology and cryptocurrencies. To register on Telegram, all you need to do is enter a phone number . In addition to being ultra secure, Telegram stands out as the most complete messaging of this selection.


 Olvid relies on an encryption protocol without a central server. Unlike WhatsApp, messaging creates a direct link between its users , without going through a trusted third party. The operation of the service is therefore not based on a directory which centralizes all the telephone numbers.

CSPN certified by ANSSI, Olvid does not ask for any data during registration, not even a phone number. To register, just enter your name or a pseudonym . Ultimately, the identity of each user is protected. On the other hand, we regret that encrypted calls are chargeable. Olvid is intended above all for companies concerned with protecting the data exchanged by their employees.


We conclude this case with Viber, a messaging application born in 2010. Very similar to WhatsApp, Viber offers end-to-end encryption of all communications (messages, calls, shared photos, etc.) using the protocol developed by Signa l. Note that it is possible to program the disappearance of messages after a certain period of time.

When registering, Viber asks for a phone number . The application nevertheless allows users to hide their number from the view of other users. Like Telegram, Viber offers to create groups without limit of participants. These channels look like real discussion forums. Many Internet users already rely on Viber. This is a solution that is probably already very popular with your contacts who have left WhatsApp.