With every major product release comes a bundle of bugs. And the new MacBook Air, Pro, and Mac Mini M1 are (almost) no exception in this regard. It must be said that very few problems have been reported since their release . In fact the first real problem is the one we are telling you about in this article. It seems essentially software and is therefore rather light since it can be corrected via a system update, knowing that Apple is rather responsive in this area.
Apple has accustomed us to tolerating a number of problems with every change of generation of macs. The MacBook Pros presented in 2016 with a new design suffered from chronic problems causing their ultra-thin “butterfly” keyboard to fail . There is also the problem of “flexgate” in other words of the display which degrades according to the position of the screen.
Graphics problems have also been reported, as well as battery problems, or thudding noise emitted sporadically from the speakers. Early generation problems were gradually corrected in the months following the release of the 2016 model. Improvements that appear to benefit the latest M1 Macs . The problem that some users of the new M1 Macs are experiencing is a bug that freezes the computer on the screen saver under certain conditions .
One user said on Reddit: “My machine activates the screensaver for no reason while I am working. It is impossible to get out of it, the mouse moves but clicking or pressing on the keyboard does nothing. The only solution I have found is to close the screen of my MacBook for 4-5 seconds, before opening it again, after that the computer will work again ”.
u / BraveTransportation2 adds that the problem occurs “sometimes more than five times a day” . Disabling the screensaver does not resolve anything. macOS ends up showing another screensaver.
Numerous testimonials report similar issues that appear to be restricted to newer M1 Macs. Note that if you have the Mac Mini and are affected by the problem, the bug is even more annoying because it is impossible to “close the screen”.
The only solution is then to restart the computer, or to create a keyboard shortcut that puts the screen to sleep, which fixes the problem when the computer wakes up.
Source: Mac Rumors