Facebook redesigns Pages and removes "likes"

 Facebook has announced important changes for Company Pages that will modify both the way users interact with corporate profiles and the way companies - and their community managers - will now consider their strategy. on the social network .

The changes will not take effect at this time

 Facebook has indicated that they will be implemented i
n the coming months
 , but it has officially confirmed all the news that will reach the Company Pages, some of which have already been tested since last summer, although the company had not confirmed their launch. .

On the one hand, the design of the profiles is changed, which will now be cleaner, with a greater predominance of white and giving more importance to elements such as the bio of the Page. On the other hand, it will be easier to navigate when switching between personal profiles and Company Pages.


But the changes are not just aesthetic. One of the most important is the removal of "likes" on Company Pages . Facebook will only leave the number of "Followers" of corporate profiles, but removes the "Likes" because it indicates that it is not a representative figure of the popular
ity of a Company Page, since there are people who have been able to give
"Like" but then stop following the Page because the publications it makes are of no interest to it. However, when you stop following it, the "like" remains if it is not expressly deleted and many do not.

Thus, and to prevent people from liking a page to increase its metrics but not receiving its updates, Facebook will now only count the number of "Followers", as it considers that it is more accurate to know the number of people who actually interact with a Page.

Another of the main news is that now Company Pages will have their own update feed . Thus, they will be able to participate in conversations and interact with followers. In that feed your updates will be shown, and other content will also be suggested and even Pages, Groups ... with which the Page could interact.


In this sense, when a Facebook user follows a Page, they will also see the comments it has made to other people's posts or Pages in the comments section. It will be indicated with a more visible blue badge that the Page is verified . From those same comments, other people who do not follow the Page will be able to follow it directly.

Facebook will also launch a new Questions and Answers format with which the Pages will be able to interact more with the followers. They will be able to ask questions to the company and it is answering them by giving more visibility to that content so that other followers or people who visit the profile can see the answer and thus perhaps also solve their doubts.

There are also changes in the way of managing Corporate Pages, since the possibility is added for administrators to grant permissions in a more segmented way to other people, so that they only have access to certain statistics, for example, those of the contents, the of the ads, or those of the messages.

In addition, Facebook has also noted that it has improved the way to automatically moderate posts to detect and filter hateful, incitement to violence or phishing comments more precisely.