A website helps you create your computer in pieces

 If you want to create and assemble your own desktop computer, you will have to select the correct parts and create a workstation that adapts to the use you are going to give it: home, work or even for gaming.

It is not something that is easy or is available to all users, but if you have some computer knowledge you may prefer to create your computer yourself and not have to limit yourself to the default configurations that manufacturers launch.

To create your own "clinical" computer, there is a website that may help you, called PC Builder . It is a large library of parts that allows you to  compare the prices of the different components , as well as check the compatibility between the chosen parts, so that there are no problems when assembling the equipment, solving one of the major problems found. users when creating their equipment, as manufacturers often leave gaps in the compatibility of their parts.

To analyze the compatibility of each part, the platform uses the information offered by the manufacturers , together with opinions and testimonials from users who have shared some compatibility problems between parts that are not indicated by the manufacturers in help forums and specialized portals.

When creating a team, as new parts are added, the price is updated as well as the compatibility information. Once created, the team can be shared through links or the information can even be embedded in an article or a web page.

In addition, the platform also has a user forum in which to exchange information, raise and answer questions, as well as contribute their own experiences on the creation of computer equipment.